Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Meet Elizabeth


I’m a sophomore here at CWC and I’m hoping to get accepted to the nursing program. I can’t wait to be a nurse! This year has been really great because I’ve just been doing prerequisites for the nursing program. I finished Anatomy and Physiology last semester and this semester I’m taking Microbiology and a Certified Nursing Assistant class which means I had to find a few electives to put me up to a full credit load. I was originally a Music major before I decided to be a nurse so I took some music classes, a western social dancing class, which is a blast, and a work out class. This last one I took because my voice teacher was saying that it’s good for your voice when your body is active.

Thinking about working out always makes me want to laugh because I’ve never taken any sort of work out class. I haven’t done any kind of physical activity on purpose since fifth grade because I figured I was getting enough exercise living on a farm. Boy was I wrong! I’m actually a wimpy kid. I felt like I was going to die for the first two weeks of class even though most of what we were doing was simple repetition stuff like going up and down a single step. I’m glad we stuck to the simple machinery for the first little while. The first time I walked into the CWC weight room my thought was, “what if I get into one of those machines wrong?” It would be like a comedian I heard once. Someone would walk up and see me pumping my arms and legs and say, “Um… that’s the scaffold.” But that didn’t happen, probably because there isn’t a scaffold up there, which I’m extremely glad for and the class has gone really well! I only twisted my ankle once on one of those steps, but that turned out better than it could have because if I had fallen forward instead of backward I could have started a whole human domino’s of people falling off their steps. That would have been funny but awkward. My instructor probably wonders why I’m always in the back smiling. It’s because I’m thinking of all the things that could go wrong that haven’t yet!

So I guess college is all about the new fun experiences you get to be involved in! And working out is definitely a new one for me but it’s totally worth it. This wimpy girl is going to be… well probably still wimpy but healthy! So whether you’re in college or headed that way start something new, and go into it pretending that you’re going to be great at it because you probably will be, or you’ll have fun trying!

Elizabeth Peil
Nursing Major
Quality Leader

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